Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wings And Baby Footprint Tattoo

February 6 - What A peace ....

Zdjęcia od lewej od góry: konik polny, ananas, kakao, kawa i hurtownia bananów.
Po śniadaniu 9 we go with our guide to the bush to watch the butterflies and wildlife. Shows us the different types of fruit trees. We see coffee. It blooms all year round here, everywhere rises fantastic sweet scent of its flowers. It is again like in paradise. The next step after kwiatkach fruits are small coffee, which after reaching the red color are harvested and dried. Later sold them to wholesalers who take the seeds with a delicate skin, then burn and grind or cut. We have a chance to sniff at the end of the fresh coffee. It is unfortunate that we are not experts in, because we smell like a normal arabica in the Tesco. Along the way we see another tree with coffee beans already. Here vegetation lasts all year round. The most interesting is that in addition to coffee plantations, the rest of the trees just grow in the forest. Everyone can come, pluck fruit, then eat them or sell them. Along the way we see pineapples, avocados, bananas, mangoes, nuts, cola, cocoa, coconuts, cassava (cassava), yams, hibiscus, 20-foot yucca, gloriozy, orchids, coral reef, colorful grasshoppers, butterflies. Overall, the tour is amazing. Over a mini waterfall, eat a delicious pineapple and after 3.5 hours back to the hotel. We buy more collection of butterflies. Initially we had objections, but the way it turned out that moths - moth (after the Godo Słońsk them motivation, and in English "moth") live in two-three days, and the usual butterflies for two weeks. So it makes no kind of injury, since the maximum after 2 weeks of those butterflies and it was so dead.
Montka We get in and head. We have some 370km to drive. The first 120km is the way of dubious quality. The worst thing is that the rear suspension Montka far it has proven itself to be restored. On each hole, you hear a loud knocking. For me it is definitely uncomfortable situation. Now I have very carefully avoided the hole, and even small bumps can be felt strongly the lack of back depreciation. We pass another village. We stopped just at the beginning of the cola. The road is definitely challenging and I feel tired already. Even moistened wipes did not help. We pass a few police patrols without stopping. It's already close enough that we have no power or inclination to talk with the police. We come finally to the town of Kara. Dotankować We had 10 gallons of fuel on the road. For some time burning up the reserve. We still have 70 liters of baniakach from Ghana, but we preferred not to waste time on the transfer of the canisters. Fuel here is some 0.8E, which is significantly more expensive than in Ghana, but also much cheaper than in other countries of the CFA monetary union (Burkina and Mali and Benin for us). We drove into town and easily find a hotel for a very reasonable price. We go to the center of something to eat and drink. I decide to grilled lamb (delicious), and Ala for chips, which eats my lamb. Tomorrow we plan to see more unique to the African village and cross the border with Benin.


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