Sunday, February 8, 2009

Where Can I Watch Viet Movies

February 5 - Kuluminacja visa and voodoo

get up in the morning and we go to the embassy. It's now or never. We need to get a visa. If they were to be problems, we have an invitation from Nigeria (thanks Mark!). Reports to the embassy at 9:30 am and we see how we madame paste visas in the passports. Thank you very much and we give her a book on Ruda Slaska. We exchange emails and head to the market voodoo. Admission quite expensive, for two people and the camera is almost PLN 100, but worth it. Guide explains that all gathered here fetishes are used only in order to help people. We see the heads of several monkeys, leopards, dogs, skulls, antelopes, hyenas, sharks jaw, foot, elephant, antelope antlers, skins of leopards, bats dried with entrails, birds. Dried snakes and chameleons, and countless other widgets that you can not even decipher. The view is amazing, and for this there are also the olfactory impression that anyone can probably already imagine seeing photos of the mountains of dead animals. Overall, the procedure is this: a sick man goes to the Chief of voodoo in the village, he recognizes his illness and prescribes medicine. For example, four of the skull of the crocodile, cobra head, and four turtle shell. You have to knead together, mix with water and burn. Sometimes you need to mix this concoction with honey and eat regularly for a few days. At the market you can trade only "white magic", because black is known for films in the form of driving the needles in voodoo dolls is prohibited. Additionally, do not hunt animals, but not to buy various kinds of head and skin. On this market are amulets from all over Africa. During our visit came a few local to the market to make purchases according to the list designated by the Chief voodoo. All kramikarze jumped into his loud psssssykaniem sztandy and urged the client. Customer captured by a vendor makes the whole shopping with him. Even if the shopkeeper does not have sufficient head or skin, it takes it from the neighboring kramiku. In order meet the tourist who asks us about the price and, unfortunately, is very unhappy that nothing can be stargować. In total, it was definitely worth the money.
we go north to Kpalime. Here we plan to climb the highest mountain in Togo - Mt. Agou (986m) and then go in the bush watching very numerous here, and colorful butterflies. We arrive with no problem. Along the way we see great advertising Baru Israel, as pictured above. What is the best plate "Bar Israel" is enriched rysuneczkiem pig. I wonder, what would it Moshe said ...... Way pretty good, to the top we enter the car. Overall very good, because poor visibility and the road leads mainly "asphalt." Coming back we stopped at the tavern, where we eat a very tasty dinner: fish and chips. We're going to a village 12km per Kpalime, which is the base for excursions etymological. We find a nice bed. Montka stand beside our two cars very well suited for off roadu. Montek looks like a baby with them. Unfortunately the restaurant did not have my favorite beer. So we go to the village. There very nice to spend the night. Beer is not the coolest, because in the morning there is no electricity. Local trying to talk something to me, but I laugh my head off like a beautiful French say to them: No. compris francais ..... Fortunately, here is cooler and there are no mosquitoes. In our room does not even have a windmill, and the bathroom is a hot-water heater - unfortunately not working. Hell, even the cold is 25 degrees unless .... Local attempt something to talk to me, but I laugh my head off like a beautiful French I tell them: No compris francais .....
come back at night to the accompaniment of crickets, cicadas and birds. After a dark-skinned French tourists returning very broken English asking us whether this road is safe and if something interesting is happening in the village ..... You can see a tourist from France returns to the country of their ancestors, and fear more than white hanysy from Ruda Slaska .... ..


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