Wednesday, February 25, 2009

L45bh Metal Detector Review

At the airport - that is, Out of Africa

We leave home at 19:20. Like the airport takes about half an hour, but in Lagos traffic jams can be such that the same may take a 2.5 hour tour. In any event, the road through town is quite passable. The air can no longer feel the heavy atmosphere of return. Out of Africa. I'm still staying, but I also know that a stage has ended. For the first time since his departure, was the last Monday in the morning I felt like this on Monday - oh I do not like Mondays, I do not like .... Gone are our Fridays and Saturdays, unfortunately ....
At the airport, but there is no queue for check-in, but we must first open your backpack before customs. As it turns out not to our elaborately packaged bag no mercy. Squeeze their paws in and brutally crash everything with him. Of course, any memorial (and particularly one large mask Dogon country) leave aside and irritated tone, demanding a certificate from the museum that are not antiques. It does not help our translations, we're tourists, that those monuments are purchased in other countries (displaying a visa in the passport). These are a few mementos of E, I explain. Do I look like someone who pays thousands of dollars for antiques? Thieves (because otherwise they can not be named) at the border after lengthy discussions allow us to pack, but still want to take us to some boss. Chris at this point loses patience and gives one of them 2000 N - 10E. Publican completely without any embarrassment the money, not paying attention to all the people around you. At the same time our antiques to change into ordinary souvenirs that can be freely exported from Nigeria. In the meantime I am going to check-in and I want to validate your ticket immediately and recover money for him. It's all me terribly sick. That shit at the end. For me, the first contact with the airport in Lagos (the previous times I flew to Abuja), and despite warnings, such thing did not expect. Fortunately, the gentlemen officially forces tribute at the airport, under the aegis of Nigerian customs, after receiving the money completely lost interest in us. Backpack is no longer so well gets packed on weight. The rest goes smoothly. We're going to wait along the bars, because the departure of a lot of time. Emotions some of us last. Circle 22 is goodbye. Unfortunately, Al is not with each phone, so I do not know if I had any problem further. In total there are pop or souvenirs. I hope to write something today about your flight ..... I probably still waiting for a lonely road north to Kano. How about this idea, it's up to me, shivers go. Again, one thousand psychic truck drivers, hundreds of miles of potholes, heat, and swinging Montek. Just go there only as a whole to deliver. In any case, what I have posted and let you know how it goes with the sale. Thanks again for the great comments, words of encouragement and your time .....


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