Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How To Write A Request Letter To A Church

Feb. 2 - A would be so beautiful ........

Let's start with the puzzle. What are the fruits of the picture? We do not know. Here we were given only the local name you has obviously forgotten. They taste like sour apricot jam and a bit like a plum, the rind is hard. Maybe someone familiar with these fruits?
morning we go to the embassy. We take a taxi, so as not to waste time wandering. We are in the Nigerian embassy just after 9 am. Unfortunately, it appears that the visa section is open only from 10 We take the forms, and so we wait for the surrounding bar. We go back and enter the embassy. After several minutes, an official comes to us. After a short conversation, it appears that we are missing a call, the bank confirmed that we have enough funds to stay in Nigeria and book a hotel. After several minutes of conversation, it turns out that without this council can not. Pissed tear passports at the hands of officials. How is shit, to me, they do not want to let Nigerian home! I go back and talk to the madame of the reception. I want to speak with the consul. After a few minutes it goes. Unfortunately, here again, bounces off the walls! The consul said that he could not give a visa without an invitation, because in the Niger Delta is very dangerous and can kidnap us. Well, tell me again, like we did not know about it! Unfortunately, without an invitation poverty. We go back as tasteless. We have decided to immediately go to Togo. There is a last chance to get a visa to Nigeria. If it fails to ride to the Niger. We already have a Visa Touristique Entente entitling us to enter up to five countries: Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Ivory Coast and Niger. This is a very pessimistic scenario exasperating our whole plan, but damn knows Nigeryjczykami.
In any event, we go back to the internet and write to our friend Mark's an invitation. It may be necessary in the Nigerian embassy in Togo.
We get in the car and drive. This part of Accra seems to be very quiet and no problem we are able to leave. Way pretty decent. Refuel your car and the last canister full. In Togo, to be more expensive gasoline. We asked several times for directions. Everything is going pretty well. Unfortunately, the road is getting worse. Avoiding potholes in the asphalt gradually transforms into the look of asphalt or compacted laterytu well. The whole is almost 200km. Unfortunately, the last 60km is already very bad. The whole takes us a good 4 hours! Podjeżdżając the border obskakują us money changers, vendors and various helper at the border. Somehow I do not trust this zmieniaczom and go to the office of exchange. Here, strangely enough, and somehow confuse the whole situation (if it Maksiu said because I was confused by a) not really well-read rate and change in the street outside the peasant 'nearest exchange office. " It turns out that we lost on that some 20 PLN, and in addition we had a pile of stress. We sat in the car not starting, first, we took all their money converting several times and gave us only later. Enough for a little more calm and cold calculation and we could do to calm the better course in the office, but after so many hours of fighting on the road, obskoczeni by dozens of people trying to convince us that without their help, do not give advice exceed the limit, calculated the odds wrong. Fortunately, none 20zł fortune!
still categorically refuse to help crooks at the border crossing the border. We go from one office to another. Passports have already been conquered, now you need to do the job with the car. We do not have a document Carnet de Passage, so send us back from the window to window, from office to office. Finally, in one of our official receives a piece of paper and says that we have to go. But I want to have some proof that I am ok, because I expect the problems at the border. Most of you have probably does not remember how it looked in the old border crossing times. First, check on one side and then the other. Exactly so here it is. We get in the car and drive. The official assured us that we have to say that we put some paper and a course on passing the one hundred questions .... A few minutes later comes a bigger Oga (boss), and once again explain to him our situation. Finally, let us go. Togolese side again some problems. Bright damn, crossing the border in Africa, it is good challenge. We assist We cover the license for travel by car the same as in the previous French-speaking countries. This time, however 6000CFA, not five as in Mali and Burkina. As I left the office for the clerk did not notice that Al was and said to my friend that the money (the whole day), hid, because they are out of registration, and no one can know about them (probably from here that our 1000 more). As noted, that Ala is heard and understood it a little confused, but of course anything that has not changed.
In any event, we crossed the border and the capital of Togo - Lome, is to be 600metrów further. Something beautiful - the boundary at the edge of the ocean, and the road runs along the beach. Incredible image. Such are the customs officers are lucky. Unfortunately the paperwork and poor road occupied us for a long time and we enter the Lome after dark. The worst that can be because of the lighting in Africa is fragile, and everything looks completely different in the dark. However, it quickly locate a cheap hotel with a guide. It turns out that prices have jumped significantly, and the only available room is a 30E. It's definitely too much for our budget. Another hotel is a fiasco. We go another few km main road in Lome. Suddenly, the left side of stare the next hotel. I stop right at the traffic light at the intersection. Go back a little to get past the car in front of me and parked on the sidewalk, and Ala jump to see what are the prices. Goes to avoid the car in front of us, entering the sidewalk and suddenly jeeee .... bbbb! The left front wheel goes down half a meter. Blacks look around in horror. I'm trying to withdraw, but the rear wheels have no traction. Al comes out of the car, I turn the 4 wheel drive. Local or expel. Montek slowly pulls away from the hole. Uf, but relief. We came to the sewage effluent nieprzykrytego, the only over tens of meters. Because of the low-light street was not at all visible. I do not think I broke off the suspension. Al flies to the hotel, I parked half on the sidewalk half on the road. Beside me all the time string of cars and Stars. It is already complete darkness. I'm getting out of the car to see if everything around Well, unfortunately not. I see that the front tire is demolished and the car stands on the rim! Damn bright. In the darkness near the exchange. Well, great! Waiting to come back Ala., to me shone a flashlight out of the screws was careful because I do not know if local is not smoked, and then they want to give money (not those numbers have already seen). We drove four wheels on the pavement and take to work. Several local walks over to help me. Thank you and act continue alone. Fortunately, there are some stones to block the wheels. Sweat is pouring out of me more often than tap water in Africa. No but they have problems with blood pressure, and I for that at all. Gypsy children obskoczyły us, dozens of Stars and cars passing by us. Everyone talks to something and advice. I have it somewhere and make his own. I wonder how many calories it, I can probably drink a few browarków after all with impunity. Unfortunately, now I'm not laughing. I look nervously whether the car on jack levers by bringing the height to set up a new wheel. Fortunately, it manages to change. I pack my junk, and everyone who was the first time in my life seen the white man changing the wheel falls to say, show est fini! Ala
already negotiated a reasonable price at the front (for a total reduction should give even better, because they broke the tire). Locate at the hotel. Tomorrow we are going back to the embassy of Nigeria and we need to fix the tire, because now we do not have any good stock!
finish the evening in the bar next to our hotel. It costs the local beer, which tastes like a balm after all the excesses. "Our 'pub serves us, unfortunately, very loud music very well audible even in our room until 2 am. In total, Friday, almost weekend in Africa, so people are playing right into the morning ......
Speaking of music, I started from Ghana. Music in the bar is so loud that you can not talk, and no requests for abatement does not work. In addition, speakers from Europe's recovery from a very bad deal with the bass, in fact, not only the bass .....


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