Saturday, February 14, 2009

What Causes Polyps On The Gall Bladder

Feb. 13 - Limit benińsko-Nigerian challenge

Phil wakes up in the morning like a newborn (not surprising, because these horses antymalaryku doses, which in itself is an antibiotic + additional antibiotic treatment, probably all bacteria were eradicated for a long time). Efficiently gather and ride to 20km distant to the Nigerian border. This is a border crossing point, which I am afraid from the beginning, because I know the story of how they want money for everything, and the line is always a good opportunity to plucking a tourist, even in the more 'civilized' African countries. The more that we have already referred to above on carnet de passage, which is this document to be issued in Poland (A generous deposit), which confirms the customs authorities in each country that will not sell them in the car. Well, and it is known that in Nigeria, just like we do ... And to all this, a passage which you want to cross the busiest between Benin and Nigeria (probably one of the busiest in Africa), because there was a port in Cotonu are transported to Nigeria, cars older than 10 years, there are officially not allowed to bring in . But nothing is, you only die once.
drove in a high density of people, which means that we got to go. We see the first gate, made of branches course. Stops us, a man in civilian clothes, who seeks to show benińskiego Lasser passez. We show him in what he says that we are not just any kwitka. To which I reply to him that at the entrance to Benin and I asked twice (what is honest truth), are you sure we all customs officers discharged and exposed, we did not have any problems later. So I know that we do not need any other scrap of. But despite this guy wants us to erase nearly 10E for the lack of paper. Ignore it, and I will have to go slowly Philip the barrier. A guy puts a barrier, flying in front of us to some of uniforms, something for him there whispers, returns to the uniformed, which will check our documents and said OK. The guy in civilian clothes, after the departure of the officer wants to cash again. I tell him that nothing will get and set off. On the right we see a building with the words 'Immigration', parked the car and go do paperwork. We come to the window, where the stamps are driven away. I've included a customs official passports, and he said that the punching stamp in the passport I have to pay 1000Naira (5E )!!!! Not only that, already operates the Nigerian currency, it still has the audacity to demand payment of the stamp insert trips. Oops, this already too much. I do not care of their exit stamp! Let not intercede as you do not want to because I did not pay him anything! It starts in me to cook, I want to call his supervisor. But I see that slowly drove the stamps and give me a passport. I draw them firmly in his hand and move on. 2m for the window stands a table where they sit 2 people. The guy stops and asks us to show passports (in civvies). Opens it, checks the stamp and it says that we have to pay 200Naira (1E) for the fact that he looked. Another moment and explode. Now you no longer patyczkuję passports and tear the guy out of the hand and go further, the Nigerian side. Here they have taken over the baton to Phil. It's the end of his country:) I am so far I've had enough. The first immigration officer, another, quite nice. In any case, much better than the benińskiej page. Nigerian show goes on! Madame customs officer sticks to us staying for 90 days (always want the maximum amount for which allows you to our visa, we do not know whether to no avail), he throws something about the tip of cola, but Phillip puts her five and move on. Now deep breath, because we have to settle the issue of the car. We're going from one customs officer to another, and finally get to the destination office, where two uniformed sits and a civilian. Enucleation of the case. Publican asks a carnet de passage. We in the fact that we do not have, because it is not needed anywhere, everywhere, even as we give us Lasser passez. The tax collector is responsible, that is mandatory for tourists carnet, in which case we have a problem. Well, they're sitting, because I already have soft feet. Philip said, if he could leave us in that case Lasser passez, as they did in Ghana, where he mentioned something about the voucher at the border. He said that and, yes, but you have to pay. To the question if it rains answer: 500E .... Replace the two pillars of salt. 500E, he's probably gone crazy! Filip it corresponds to that in previous countries were paying, and, yes, but after 10E and that as we pay 500, we leave here, and here we go car stop. Publican is happy, he says, is give the keys. Philip begins a laugh and the atmosphere relaxes somewhat. The tax collector takes some papers to print ignoring us. Philip begins zagajać friendly conversation, and after a while we all laugh, even the tax collector is getting a belly and says, "you are my brother now! Well, now we have him. Brother can not pluck after all, is not it? So Philip further mined the publican, and all around. In the meantime, scroll through a few people who handing our thick customs official rolls of money, landing right in the depths of the drawer, in exchange for a stamp on their documents. Passed about an hour. Customs Officer at the time it prints a few druczków. At some point, reach for your registration card and begins to write in the form to us! Writes slowly and check all information with the evidence (because, of course, as the Polish documents, it's hard to fathom.) Slowly and carefully affix stamps. Chuch the ink stamps to dry. Our hearts beat faster and faster. What amount will fall? The tax collector: Bring the money. Philip drew from his pouch and handed 10E. This, without batting an eye puts them in a drawer. We Lasser passez !!!!! I guess they heard stones falling from the heart to us. Our tax collector says that we need this one more piece of paper stamps. Calling some of his colleague, who comes to the office. Of course, he must explain the whole story. That the fact that tourists must have a carnet de passage, etc. But we said that pushed the issue passez Lasser, so staged. And he has just nailed a stamp. Dissatisfied, but agreed to kindly to this and tells us to follow him. In his attic puts final stamp and we are free! We have a paper on which everyone will surely ask. And for this we are convinced that even if we had the carnet de passage, it still wants money for the affixing of stamps on it or even to something more interesting came up. Welcome to Nigeria! Land of beauty! Just advertise. They forget, even just to finish this sentence: and of corruption. But - the worst is behind us. In any case, I think so for the first 5m after the Nigerian traveled asphalt. At this point reminds us that we do not have any local money, and some pair of E and other CFA must be replaced. We ask a man on the exchange, points towards the border. So you need to back ... Philip parks where we exchange money and runs. Hogging her locks in the car and watch the road ahead of us. And here in front of 2m, the same guy that asked about the exchange of money, substitutes the passing cars so very professional breath gwoździskami bristling thick. I force money from them. Some pay, some do not. Those who do not pay - get a pair of 'spanking' hand after the mask and go on. At some point I motorek riding with 2 people. Podstawiają board. The driver begins to gesticulate, you can see that they do not want to pay. But he can not hide in your car, unfortunately. Wymuszaszcze trying to snatch his bag pasażerce. It begins przepychanka, whose end can not see, because passing a big truck and I lose them from view for a while, and after his stint on motorku couple have disappeared. Well, nice to start! Philip returned to the said money, but I already have nietęgą face. I tell what I saw, Philip laughs and says - you'll see it here as usual. Thank you for this as usual! Let's move on. Of course the guy wants money from us. Phil throws him a Nigerian greeting, he asks what he has For us the gift of Nigeria (they always ask first: Poland in beautiful contry! Masta dey what you bring for us from Poland?), nailed five and go. For 5m, another lock with nails, another fast talking, nailed five and go. And so some good times. And after the blockades begin wymuszaczy lock (already without nails, but with rifles on shoulder) of the various officers of the police, customs, health drugs, health care and any uniform (real or not) the service of this country. Everyone wants to see something else, of course, everyone wants money. We do not pay anything, they just greets Philip, make you smile and here we go. Without white Nigerian, that border and the road could be a drama and to impress with such stigma that Nigeria would have never been on the list of countries to see. From the border to Lagos is some 70km. In this episode, and most of the first 20km, we were stopped, and this without any exaggeration, some 30-40 times! We lost count at some point. I calmed down after a few checks and have also started to treat it as slowly as usual. But I have to admit that you wymuszacze with boards with nails done for me electrifying, of course, negative impression. In Lagos we
an appointment with our friend Christopher Robin, who lives and works there. We meet at one of the major bus stations. After driving into the city we find the station, but Christopher Robin got stuck in heavy traffic (not a strange thing in this nearly 20-million city) and slowly guided by his instructions to continue. Finally, we are able to meet near his home and happy to go to his apartment. Phew, a fun-filled day. And here until the 14th Where there evening! CrossFit offers us lunch, a little to embrace it and tells us to prepare for the night tour of Lagos, especially its nightlife. It's for us challenge, given that the rhythm of the road we get up early, but the early going to bed. It will not be easy, especially after so many emotions at the border. But what, you live once - everything you need to try!)
Lagos shows us a completely different face. We visit a club in which protecting packed with at least as "Pudzian, armed with machine guns, without asking us, from top to bottom. In total, allow us to enter, but say: "Make sure you spend one million Naira (no light, a total of only 50 thousand. E). The pub is located on Bentley's Lounge. In the midst of splendor dazzles us. Sami black, dressed in designer clothes. The menu item is the number one champagne for a thousand. dollars. Unfortunately, this place is not for us, not only because of the price (oh, do not sell drinks bottle only as a whole need to buy) but i really was something to see. So is playing poor Africa. We visit another
clubs. Some up bursting at the seams, from the older white guys surrounded by black young girls. Well, a folklore! Finally, we land in the local music club. Prices more reasonable, because only 3E for the beer and playing live music. Particularly engaging are the covers of the most famous, the late music Nigerian Fela Kuti. At the end of the guitar takes over the man who claims to have once played with Fela. Announces that he will play a piece of Jimi Hendrix. I am horny right away on "Hey Joe"! Flying first notes, and there is a big banana on my face. Arrangement is fantastic. Everyone begins to swing and throw some money the contractor. At the end acquire the album. Hopefully that will be equally good. We're back in the middle of the night, empty streets of Lagos, releasing only the police checks. Now that's a good Welcome to Nigeria, land of beauty!


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