Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thank You For Referral Wording

Feb. 19 - With Yankari to Kano

morning still decide to use the hot springs and luxury of spending two hours swimming in the green-blue warm water. So energized pack up and head out again. Our goal is to Kano - a town in the north, already dominated by Islam. We will stay there with friends Philip and p.Mietka p.Hani who live in Nigeria for 20 years. According to the maps we have two routes to choose from: a longer, but a better way, and much shorter, but most of the secondary and tertiary roads. Since Montek rear suspension has been specifically exploited, Rather, we do not want to risk driving because of large potholes. Bauchi got to ask a policeman for directions and it turns out that the shorter route is reportedly very good and we really recommend this very way. Well, risk-physicist. So we go out instructions policeman. And this is a very good choice, because actually on the road is brand-new asphalt. However, the maps, as we have already repeatedly seen, should not be too trusting. Here, everything is changing so fast that even the latest edition is no longer enough to date. 17 o'clock we reached the end, where Mr Mietek meets us in the center of town to lead us through the city home. Kano is of low buildings, apart from a handful of tall buildings in the center. It extends many miles in each direction. Kano was the first settlement to the caravan leaving from the Sahara. The city has more than 5 million inhabitants, but exactly how much - that no one knows. Well, maybe except Allah! Shariatu law prevails here, and from time to time, the religious police is doing a share: the end of the sale of alcohol. We learned also that the same police recently smashed a truck carrying beer to Kano. The situation, however, always returns to normal and alcohol is generally available in parts Christian. Kano is an important point for the Arab world, Qaddafi visited them recently, which launches here for Muslim schools and hospitals to attract more people to Islam. At home waiting for us a delicious dinner and spend the whole evening talking to many of Nigeria, Poland and the world. For dinner, eat the local fish of a specific famous name: the elephant water. Really delicious - highly recommend, you must try! For tomorrow we
ambitious plan to visit Kano, and Abuja, at least until you reach, and the way we would like to visit Kaduna.


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