is a very serious social backlash link
Correia de Campos argues that "not impossible" to save Health spending coma "It will not be easy," he acknowledges, but through medicines you can save up to 120 million euros this year alone. A savings which, however, can not "cut the innovation." Former Minister of Health also recognizes that there are no big revenue gains and increased user fees.
Look at the measures imposed by the 'troika' in Health: reducing public expenditure on medicines by 1% in 2013 ...
This is the most important measure.
But we still have an increase in user fees, unless exemptions access the NHS under penalty of emergency and specialty consultations, automatic indexing of user fees to inflation, reduction in 2 / 3 of the tax deductions on health, 30% reduction in the cost of ADSE and health systems for military and police just to name a few. Is it not a profound change in the NHS?
Between 2006 and 2007 we saved 660 million euros.
But now, everything is complicated: debt to suppliers already exceeds one billion euros, and the effort must be much greater.
will not be easy but not impossible. This year we will have to save on drugs 120 million, next year we will have to save even more, and in 2013 we will have less to spend 550 million euros.
How can we reach this goal?
We can not jeopardize the future and can not cut the innovation, then we undermine the drugs that have reached maturity. We leave a space for medicines
representing innovation that are more expensive. In medicine there is a quarrel with maturation that has to be resolved: the terms of systematically lawsuits to stop the entry of generics.
And on the increase user fees?
Not here next great recipe. User fees mean 110 to 120 million in revenue in a budget of nine billion. As for the indexing of user fees to inflation, as proposed by the IMF, I did it during the years that I was there. Although it cost me much to go to Parliament to take "bounce" the ultra-left ...
And also, in his own party.
But this is normal. Exemptions: Exemptions are 55%, which is difficult to justify. User fees should also facilitate consultations in health centers and ambulatory, and penalize direct access to hospitals. Measures in health are well calibrated, but are hard to efficiency gains can get there. For example, with a concentration of hospitals. Now the 'troika' not led to a change in the NHS as it is in the PSD program.
How so?
PSD proposes something that is not well explained: the national plan of benefits. I think that is a minimum package of health for 20 years was in school in third world countries.
is a setback?
A very serious social backlash that divides the country into two: the minimum package and those who can afford or have access to health insurance. Radiotherapy is the universal plan of benefits of the PSD?
The PSD program does not specify what kind of services will be included in this plan minimum. If the universal plan of benefits included what is today the NHS because they speak this universal plan of benefits?
Today we have over two million Portuguese people with health insurance which reveals the weaknesses of the NHS. Insurance are very fragmentary. Spending on health insurance is only about six percentage points of the financing of Health
But because there are so many Portuguese people with health insurance?
are mistaken, there is health insurance for fringes of the population, for workers on behalf of others of working age.
Read the PS program for health?
Yes, I know him very well. I was even asked some collaboration.
was amazed that not only have a page when the program in 2009 was nine and a half pages? By the program's 'troika' Health is more comprehensive than the PS program.
Do not confuse a political program with a financial aid program. The program does not of PS needed more pages because people are familiar with the health policies of the PS. Do not tell me who is the 'troika'. For example, increasing the family health units.
This measure consists of the PS program. But just to give you an example, there is no concrete measure to reform the fees.
The program has 35 pages of PS and PS communication strategists realized that there was no need to specify the measures that were well known. I understand that a party that wants to reverse the policy cycle, as the PSD, has made a program with more than 100 pages. Despite having so many pages is silent on health mental, cardiovascular, oncology, emergency care, outpatient surgery, women's reproductive health, oral health, HIV, mobile health units, continuing care, migrant health.
did the same survey for the electoral program of the PS?
No need.
Their degree of requirement changes depending on the party who evaluates?
There is a problem of double standards. For example, there is a plan for mental health, there is a national cancer plan and a plan for prevention of cardiovascular disease that are in operation. It need hardly be mentioned, is a given.
Only the opposition parties have the obligation to explain, in detail, what they stand for?
The opposition has to say is that he wants to do about these plans that are underway.
Correia de Campos argues that "not impossible" to save Health spending coma "It will not be easy," he acknowledges, but through medicines you can save up to 120 million euros this year alone. A savings which, however, can not "cut the innovation." Former Minister of Health also recognizes that there are no big revenue gains and increased user fees.
Look at the measures imposed by the 'troika' in Health: reducing public expenditure on medicines by 1% in 2013 ...
This is the most important measure.
But we still have an increase in user fees, unless exemptions access the NHS under penalty of emergency and specialty consultations, automatic indexing of user fees to inflation, reduction in 2 / 3 of the tax deductions on health, 30% reduction in the cost of ADSE and health systems for military and police just to name a few. Is it not a profound change in the NHS?
Between 2006 and 2007 we saved 660 million euros.
But now, everything is complicated: debt to suppliers already exceeds one billion euros, and the effort must be much greater.
will not be easy but not impossible. This year we will have to save on drugs 120 million, next year we will have to save even more, and in 2013 we will have less to spend 550 million euros.
How can we reach this goal?
We can not jeopardize the future and can not cut the innovation, then we undermine the drugs that have reached maturity. We leave a space for medicines
representing innovation that are more expensive. In medicine there is a quarrel with maturation that has to be resolved: the terms of systematically lawsuits to stop the entry of generics.
And on the increase user fees?
Not here next great recipe. User fees mean 110 to 120 million in revenue in a budget of nine billion. As for the indexing of user fees to inflation, as proposed by the IMF, I did it during the years that I was there. Although it cost me much to go to Parliament to take "bounce" the ultra-left ...
And also, in his own party.
But this is normal. Exemptions: Exemptions are 55%, which is difficult to justify. User fees should also facilitate consultations in health centers and ambulatory, and penalize direct access to hospitals. Measures in health are well calibrated, but are hard to efficiency gains can get there. For example, with a concentration of hospitals. Now the 'troika' not led to a change in the NHS as it is in the PSD program.
How so?
PSD proposes something that is not well explained: the national plan of benefits. I think that is a minimum package of health for 20 years was in school in third world countries.
is a setback?
A very serious social backlash that divides the country into two: the minimum package and those who can afford or have access to health insurance. Radiotherapy is the universal plan of benefits of the PSD?
The PSD program does not specify what kind of services will be included in this plan minimum. If the universal plan of benefits included what is today the NHS because they speak this universal plan of benefits?
Today we have over two million Portuguese people with health insurance which reveals the weaknesses of the NHS. Insurance are very fragmentary. Spending on health insurance is only about six percentage points of the financing of Health
But because there are so many Portuguese people with health insurance?
are mistaken, there is health insurance for fringes of the population, for workers on behalf of others of working age.
Read the PS program for health?
Yes, I know him very well. I was even asked some collaboration.
was amazed that not only have a page when the program in 2009 was nine and a half pages? By the program's 'troika' Health is more comprehensive than the PS program.
Do not confuse a political program with a financial aid program. The program does not of PS needed more pages because people are familiar with the health policies of the PS. Do not tell me who is the 'troika'. For example, increasing the family health units.
This measure consists of the PS program. But just to give you an example, there is no concrete measure to reform the fees.
The program has 35 pages of PS and PS communication strategists realized that there was no need to specify the measures that were well known. I understand that a party that wants to reverse the policy cycle, as the PSD, has made a program with more than 100 pages. Despite having so many pages is silent on health mental, cardiovascular, oncology, emergency care, outpatient surgery, women's reproductive health, oral health, HIV, mobile health units, continuing care, migrant health.
did the same survey for the electoral program of the PS?
No need.
Their degree of requirement changes depending on the party who evaluates?
There is a problem of double standards. For example, there is a plan for mental health, there is a national cancer plan and a plan for prevention of cardiovascular disease that are in operation. It need hardly be mentioned, is a given.
Only the opposition parties have the obligation to explain, in detail, what they stand for?
The opposition has to say is that he wants to do about these plans that are underway.
Correia de Campos, DE 30.05.11
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