Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Troika and Health (4)

One of the measures imposed by the Troika in healthcare is the self-sufficiency of public subsystems assuming here ADSE , link the expansive scope of coverage of particular relevance. With this objective, the budget transfers will be reduced by 30% next year, 20% in 2013 and gradually within five years, to pass these subsystems of future self-funded.

understand that the decision is to be welcomed since it makes no sense to pay all walk of some privileges in Health. However, there are negative consequences that this measure does not seem to have been seized. link

Reduced transfers from the state budget, and according to what is also determined the percentage of discount made by the public employer, is only able to maintain the same level of care coverage increasing benefit of beneficiaries. How many certainly will not be able to do so (lower wages) and others willing to "pay so much for so little," with the possibility of current opt-out " watch will certainly the gradual contraction of these subsystems . That is, those with higher incomes will choose private insurance, most falling into the arms of NHS.

If the aim of the measure imposed by the troika was not merely economical, with the single purpose of reducing public expenditure, would make sense that part of the public finances will save transfers were invested in the NHS so accommodate the unavoidable costs of increased demand. Not being apparently well beyond the known budget cuts will still be asked to treat more NHS patients with fewer resources.
Place for the question: Even when we can maintain public health services of acceptable quality by European standards?



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