Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How To Draw A Blueprint Of A Castle

February 24 - End of travel

And then came the last day of our trip to West Africa. With the planned 10 thousand. miles grew almost 13 000th Today, packaging, some splashing in the pool with friends and of course the last dinner. This time, fresh fish pepper soup. The waiter aquarium fishes out bulky sum, from which the chef makes a delicious, extremely sharp soup. When eating a man crying, pouring from his nose, sweat pours from the entire body, but despite this - continue to be so tasty this dish. But you have to have an iron stomach to withstand such an amount of cayenne pepper. Circle of 19 we go to the airport.
expedition ended, but the blog is not. Philip is still in Nigeria for a while, so how can something interesting will happen - will be posted.
In any event, we thank all our loyal readers for joining us on this expedition. We hope that maybe we could convince more dedicated that traveling is one of the best things in life that dreams do come true and that nothing is impossible! After returning Philip
urządzimy slideshow and stories, so in advance are welcome!
See you there!


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