Thursday, February 19, 2009

Female Belly Punching Fetish

February 17 - Yankari greets

After a morning meeting in the office of Mohammed with him and his brother and to buy substantial amounts of souvenirs, we head north - to the Yankari National Park. Wild is so similar to ghańskim Mole National Park, but an additional attraction is the hot springs. The route to the park passes through the picturesque surroundings, climb higher. Montek continue writing the great, but increasingly worried that the very end of something is not broke. It is already very tired of the tour. At the end of our trip odometer, we have over 18 000 km. For a late lunch stop in Jos. Phil wants me to eat horrible necessarily tried in a local counterfeit, Mc Donald's - Mr. Bigg's. Food is actually a series of 'survival' but even for the same photo it was worth the stop. Mc Shit is like a restaurant category, "S" at Mister Biggsie! From Abuja to Josu not meet a single police patrol. From Josu begin inspections, but the police is here so kind, that until we do not believe your eyes - no country had not met with such a sympathetic police! In the previous countries were correct, sometimes more or less polite, but they are here simply to apply the wound! Incredible. The more that we expect of known: What do you bring for us? And here we wave, salute, smiling from ear to ear and just show him not to stop and go on. Apparently, the border has already 'wyrobiliśmy' your standard vicious patrols and so far we have peace. After lunch at Josie rush to Bauchi, which is 110km from Yankari. It starts slowly dimmed. Route between Jose and Bauchi (112km) overcome in time. Then, according to Philip's last memories of 2006 is to begin section with holes in the asphalt. We ride, we ride, good road all the time. At the moment begins the hole, but for the moment is the exit of the park. Recently the road was full of holes, and then passed in the laterite. But in 2008, reportedly has been carried out and the road repair center in the park. Indeed, the road to the entrance gate to the park is made of asphalt nowiuśkiego. Total darkness had fallen. We pay for admission to the Park. We drove through the gate i. ..... Here too the asphalt! This is a total desecration! How can a national park where wild animals live in the asphalt road to build a true !!??? After a big, loud machine drives away the animals! We are really angry that something like this has been done here. Nigerian goes for us, which is the first time in Yankari and I was very afraid that the animals will attack his car. How to hear that Philip was here now 3 times it just asks if he could go for us. Sure, why not. Oh, and buy tickets at the time we were shown a table with the prices of rooms in the park. In 2006 a house in the park cost approximately 10E and 60E now reportedly the cheapest free! Well, it starts to cool. While driving we decided that if and so it is already late and dark, now spend the night in the car and rent a cottage for tomorrow. The budget must hold on, we will not be rampant here. We arrive at the resort. Despite the darkness around, eyes wide open Filip: everything has changed. New buildings, new roads, the center has grown strongly. And of course the price ... We go to the front desk, trying to negotiate a discount. There is no such possibility. Madame from reception, even though he had loved us (meaning, of course, - Phillip), no such power. Never mind, we will sleep in the car. At such a statement madame mumbles something about the fees for camping, but disposed of it, and she does not insist too much. We go to the bar for something to drink. There he sits down to us a local, asking for details of our stay here, and after a long monologue about Philip asphalt in the park and room rates asks whether, in this case, since we do not take the room, paid for camping. We in the fact that sleeping in the car in the parking lot, it's not camping, because it requires special conditions for any, provided by the resort, such as toilet and shower, and we just want to sleep in the parking lot. The guy is pretty stubborn. Nothing attainment disappears, and, after returning from a supervisor, who is at the beginning of evil, heard an earlier version of our interlocutors, but after a while the conversation concludes that without a problem, we can sleep in our car at no extra charge. Nothing like a charm:) Philip in this case ....
After sitting at the bar we go to the car, przeparkowujemy him be laid in the middle of lumber so as to be able to distribute the seats and put to sleep. This will be our second night in Montku. The first was spent in Spain, arrested in the night by a snowstorm ....


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