Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Long Does Trichomonosiais Live

February 3 - Lome and visa

Before we get to the part of the cultural and entertainment center, a few words about the Togo. This is by far the poorest of statistical country that we visited on our route. Its GDP per capita is only USD 387th It is a tiny country with an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 58 thousand. km2 with more than 5 million inhabitants. In Togo's official language is French, because of the colonial past of course. But in the late nineteenth century, Germany took a moment here for power, but influence their governments do not see short. In contrast to the French, because, of course, dominated by a baguette bread, although you can also buy white, 'inflatable' roll, slightly sweet, which was full in Ghana. Comes from Togo voodoo belief. Today, this belief is associated most with Haiti, which is really the largest resort, but Haitians are the ancestors of the people of the tribes in the area of \u200b\u200bpresent day Togo and Benin, who were deported as slaves to 1870. in those areas. After regaining independence in the twentieth century, after several upheavals Sergeant Eyadema took over, and over 40 years the country was ruled with an iron fist, and only his death (on the way there were attempts to introduce a democratic system, bloodily suppressed) has completed his 'reign'. At the moment the country is relatively quiet and slow 'implements' in a more democratic constitution.
After such a 'sightseeing' first time to a few stories of our, as usual, full of adventure, of the day. Morning we go to the Nigerian embassy. In any case confirm the location with our receptionist, no, and it appears that they moved in an entirely different place. After assurances that it is not far away, we go on searching. Let's go, go, and neither the embassy nor widu słychu. We ask at a gas station, but I have no idea where he is. Only confirm that we are going well in the column direction of peace, to which he had guided the receptionist. We stop at an internet cafe and an employee there explains exactly his way. We are located at the end of the embassy, \u200b\u200brecognizing from afar white-green fence. So far, all the Nigerian embassy, \u200b\u200bwho visited here (this is our third attempt now) have had what they can painted in national colors. We go to the guard booth at the gate, register and go to the office building. In the window, which is responsible for issuing visas is sitting pretty Madame age, which to our question on a tourist visa shakes his head. Philip begins to explain her our history: we left the country yet last year and did not carved visa Poland, since its validity could expire until our entry into Nigeria. Because this is the biggest problem in any of the Nigerian embassy in which it appears. If a tourist is in the country, the embassy is its sacred duty is to gain a visa there is. Philip embellishment trim our story from the life of Nigerian madam increasingly relaxes, and finally laughing with his stories. It turns out that it is Togijką, but the embassy is working more than 30 years. Madame tells us to do after two copies of the main page of your passport, visa and Togolese smear letter to the consul the explanation, why do not we have done a visa in Poland and here we turn back the head. We run to the nearby 'business center', where copies of documents and we write a letter. We come to madame, and an array of photos. Madame rejects the letter, because it is handwritten, and should be computerized. So I take our letter and rush back to 'business center', and Philip will be entertained in the meantime, Madame and zmiękczał her to be more favorable to us. On the spot, it appears that they have such a service! Some 300m further is to be the next IT center, where you can prescribe something on the computer (your laptop is in the car, which is in the parking lot.) I manage to locate the shrine and the shop owner out of breath, enucleation what I want from him. I say that the rewrite itself, because I do not know how much it can take time to do it, knowing the pace here. Just in case I print 4 copies, 2 on each of us, because Madame likes to have a lot of copies. Went back to the embassy. Everything is done in the heat above 35 degrees, with extremely high humidity, so you can imagine how I look. I come to the embassy, \u200b\u200bPhilip is the best friend of madame, and even has her phone number so we can call afternoon and inquire about the status of the application. Because, of course, is another obstacle - receiving visas takes place only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, today is Tuesday, so until he received Thursday! We beg Madame to speed up the process, it is best that we could today pick up a visa. He says he will do everything they can. In any case, assures us that if she accepted the proposal, the consul will sign and get a visa. Inshallah! We return walk to the hotel. Now our priority is to fix a hole in the tire (the one that has already survived two nails) and see if we can resuscitate the demolished yesterday on the drainage hole. The hotel explained to us how to get to the site Good Year. We come into place. The head of the Lebanese. Speaking of the Lebanese - there are quite a lot in Africa, mainly are the owners of the restaurant with pretty good food, but apparently the lead or other businesses. It turns out that our 'nail' is another nail in the tire! This is some fate. We drove it less than 200km. But we can not fix the problem. Worse this yesterday - apparently you can fix it, but it must be regarded as more than a full-fledged dojazdówkę tire. However we decide to repair - a critical situation can be very valuable. As you can see the tire can not just rip up the wilderness, so it is better to wear than to ask. Repair of the tire is take a few hours, so arrange to return after 17 We call madame from the embassy, \u200b\u200bbut says that today's council can not settle, we call tomorrow at 10 am. So we go watch the beach in Lome, which is notorious, especially at night. Book a guide and the locals advise against walking on a lonely beach, and now especially after dusk. So we're going to see her during the day. Amazing location - Lome Centre extends parędziesiąt meters from the beach, but which is heavily littered and neglected. How do we know it ... Now the puzzle - one of the pictures the beach, where you can see this quite a lot of people is an interesting detail that we have seen only when viewing photos on your computer. Who sees what?
He is already evening, time for dinner. For lunch in the Lebanese restaurant przekąsiliśmy delicious sandwiches with shrimp cakes wrapped in Lebanese. Walking along the main street of Lome, in which we live (important things we have in the car, passports at the embassy, \u200b\u200bso we rather not have to steal from you, because the guide suggests that after dark is not be alone pałętać the capital) we find a local cafeteria. It looks very atmospheric. On the sidewalk soup kitchen houses two. In the first, larger, they serve fufu (cassava is not here with plantainami but ugnieciony jam - Philip's favorite food in Nigeria) with different sauces. Four big fat mature we are sitting next to his wielgachnych aluminum bowls. Each has a different specialty. First - lamb in a sauce of peppers sharp, the second - the chicken in a sauce of peppers with sharp, third and fourth - Miscellaneous types of fish in the sauce, how else could, with sharp peppers. The second is a single chop-house - a young and slim girl serves rice with sauce with pieces of meat and peppers, and of course, beware - Spinach Sauce! All around there is no electric lighting, light oil, only oil lamps. It set a pair of low wooden tables with benches and a restaurant full of mug. Erected on each table a bowl for washing hands. The movement huge, customers are pushing, what they call give them the menu, aluminum plates pass from hand to hand. We decide on another soup kitchen. I am due to spinach and Philip - hmm, maybe because of the cook:) Food first class. Pali palate, but very nice. Surely such peppers need to bring to the house and some party bowl .... will be a lot of fun:)
traditionally spend the evening with beer and tea (the latter beverage is not know why less and less popular), intending to continue the route in Togo and Benin.
Oh, and one of these images - a sensational example of the local propaganda, anti-HIV. This poster pierced all, we have ever seen. Is not it amazing?
sake of a new secular tradition, now, the description of the hop fluid for those interested: here I drank three beers. Two bottles in brown and one in green (see how I sacrifice for you). It is in the green bottle is a Pils or Special. I drank Pils and it was quite tasty, and as the green bottle is even good. This was indeed a strange aroma after odkapslowaniu, but then good taste. Foam just quickly fell almost like Coca-Cola. Awooyo this is my beer in Togo. Dark beer, maybe more brown. Some regulars may recall Nomad Upper Diamond. Awooyo has a similar flavor, but it is much less sweet. Gently blows taste (though it said Kkondrat) to this very reasonable% (6.2), the vast bitterness in the aftertaste. Damn why there is no such beer with us ??!!! Flag is another beer, already tested in previous countries. Solid beer, but knocks on the ground. There is bitterness, it is foam, but something is missing. Definitely gives way Awooyo. An interesting fact is that we met in Lome pression for a beer! So, draft beer! It turned out that it was also a flag. A small mug is less than 1 / 3 E. Beer quite tasty, so I quickly leaned more kufelków 0.3. Draft beer in Africa, a rarity, and you can not miss this opportunity. Waitress (probably sister of the head) so stared at my "beautiful" white mug that much spilled beer, which reached without a bead of foam glass. I am already glad immediately say ok, as it is about Leave me drink. Unfortunately, her brother intervened and was cast some beer, and me the rest of the foamed. Perhaps part of the cast sells the next customer. Unfortunately these days, economic calculation must match. Apparently, the crisis in the world ....


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