Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Natural Ativan Equivalent

Troika and mobility of Good Health

Introducing rules to Increase mobility of healthcare staff ... ...
3.80. Introduce rules to increase the mobility of health professionals (including physicians) within and between health regions. Adopted for all employees (including doctors) flexitime schemes, with the aim of reducing by at least 10% spending on overtime compensation in 2012 and another 10% in 2013. Implement stricter control of work schedules and staff activities in the hospital. (1Q 2012) ...

The need for mobility of professional groups in health, public services, it is always a symptom of deeper problems of system functionality.
Rise to the level of the organization, important preliminary questions: maldistribution of human resources staffing imbalances in specialized areas, demographic changes and unforeseen local or regional finally deficit [quantity] of professionals.
reveals in retrospect, the lack of monitoring of training places, a deficient educational process and subsequently biased mechanisms recruitment, absence of a code of ethics.
But fundamentally, the distribution of human resources in Health, is a subsidiary of proper planning, a rigorous [and early] estimated need [to fill vacancies], the definition and specification of working conditions, the development of strategies of professional motivation, population density, and also from geographic [Accessibility pathways that influence the demand].
cooperation between training institutions and places of destination of professionals should be permanent from the beginning to terminus of training should continue beyond the provision. The need to promote compensatory mechanisms in relation to training centers should be implemented and seen as a stimulus to ensure a high level of efficiency and continuing education.

mobility due to an erratic clogging urgent or pressing needs should always be temporary, ie, limited in time and, when possible, rotating. Can not be arbitrary or may mean "put someone on the shelf." Good management should lead the health care institutions with poor human resources to pursue the objective of "self sufficiency" and shel-reliance on special demonstrations [voluntary or mandatory].
The mapping of skills available in the country and the future needs assessment is crucial in human resource management [is marked on the memo of the troika] and when [and] run, reduce the "special mobilities, situations sporadic.
Apart from the adequacy of training processes, knowledge and recruitment there are still problems relating to the performance that we have already mentioned in this blog.

A Hospital is not a patchwork. There are in all sectors [departments, units and services] organizational problems. The solution to these problems, necessarily, the teamwork that determines the ability to meet targets [program contracts] and quality of response.
mobility contributes to these sectors factors disrupting operation of knowledge networks, the interplay and inter-disciplinary issue of automatic routines can be fatal when it expects earnings to the interdependence and complementarity of roles. Another aspect
is the individual initiative within a framework of mobility becomes dull. The "mobilized" by professional who has more value, it is always a stranger, so is likely to create friction. In addition, suffers from a natural inhibition to defend and present new solutions to old problems. The "mobilized" assumes the role of spectator.
Mobility is also intended, or mainly aims to reduce personnel costs. Not innocent repeated caveat in the text of the memorandum "[... including physicians!]."
consumption overtime has always been a puzzle to hospital budgets. The scheme "stop-gap" apparently allows the system to work smoothly. Until the day that it is possible to evaluate the quality of care. An emergency department or emergency medical station is not a quick-service type of "Midas" [advertising spend].

The claim [charge] of the troika on this mobility framework collides with ancient blocks of the organization of health services and even when viewed in the general civil service, has always attracted enormous reluctance, many times "unreasonably" imposed by management.
not easy until the 1st. quarter of 2012 [as determined by the memorandum of the troika] regularize situations chronically jammed, atavistic.
Indeed, several mobility solutions in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth, have been tested in our country since Manuela Archangel, in 2001, intended to "encourage" it in conjunction with Unions
link to attempt to include by Correia de Campos, OE 2008 link to its "braking" in 2009 by Ana Jorge link attempts have mobility to spare.
Recently, the problems encountered with human resources in the Alfredo da Costa, took the MS to move towards the integration of institutions increased mobility of doctors, for now, within a broad Hospital
link .
Troika's solution, however, is broader and more comprehensive. How
rest of the case in other areas, during long years, we have not done your homework, especially in human resource planning, or deal with an [appropriate] training according to needs. remains for us, so improvise.
With all the costs for current and future civil servants of the State [the scapegoats of the said memorandum of the troika].



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