Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Can I Tell How Long Ive Had Clamydia

Health, the proposed PS

number of comments to posts in which I report the contradictions of the PSD leader criticized the failure to present the proposals of the PS. Inspired by such criticisms, beginning today the publication of a set of notes, to publicize the program PS in health. Comparing the course, with the PSD program (this is not the logic of democracy?).

Philosophy General

PS reaffirms its commitment to an NHS access "universal, general and tend to free." Funding must be secured by taxes, which each paid as their income and should not be payment upon delivery. Financial sustainability is to be found by continuing to combat waste (eg by adopting the measures provided for under the Troika).
PSD proposes the creation of a "universal plan of benefits," whose content does not explain. I believe, however, that there can be only one interpretation: one of the acts that today provides the NHS will be left out and have to be paid. If not, which means "flat"? It would be helpful in explain, in time, what will be left out, who will pay and how much to pay. Is that asking too much?

2. Deepening reform of health care Primary Focus

increasingly the NHS at this level of care is essential to maintain and deepen the health gains achieved in these past 30 years, ensuring proximity to people and quality.
To do this, continue the implementation of Family Health Units (USF), given the huge success of this reform: improving citizens' access, improved quality of care, client satisfaction and professional efficiency (reducing the cost of medicines and MCDT per user, due to the use of protocols approved by the teams). There are currently 293 USF, which serve 3.8 million Portuguese, of which more than 450 billion won GP.
Develop and / or create functional units of the other groups of health centers (ACES) and widespread culture of contracts which results in the autonomy / accountability of the USF and is the major cause of its success.

In the program, the PSD does not even speak of USF, despite the clear advantages of access and efficiency. The PSD proposes to assign the family doctor to all Portuguese and introduce freedom of choice, given that when last in government has always promoted a policy of restricting training in medicine and the specialty of FGM in particular. This is indeed the reason for the current situation lack of strong and has a charge known: the PSD!
this area, the PSD is limited to stating, confusingly, a privatization plan of the CSP (in program grant of the health centers' professional cooperatives, private or social). But of course, does not explain how this is going to pay as proposed in this way, costs will double in many places.
He speaks of creating "models of polyclinics, but forgets to explain what that means ...

3. Developing the National Network of Integrated Continued Care

This Network aims to answer the main change in recent decades in Portuguese society: the aging population. Began in 2006 and already has 5200 seats and admission capacity of 8000 seats for home management.
was built in cooperation with the social sector (75% of seats) and private (10% of the seats).
PS intends to continue to develop this network to reach the 15 000 places of internment, allowing to reduce hospital stays and offering high quality care, seeking the recovery of autonomy, the more people.
The PSD program does not talk about this subject. (Continued)

4. Improve the functioning of the Hospitals

As regards the functioning of the Hospitals of the PS program proposes three essential aspects:

- continue to improve access , transporting to the outpatient specialties success achieved in subscribers list for surgery (248,000 subscribers in 2005, with a median wait of 8.6 months, on 2010 161 000 enrolled ones with a median wait of 3.3 months; in surgical oncology: in 2005 71 days of waiting, 23 days in 2010) ;

- improve quality, notably through the creation of centers for the treatment of rare conditions and / or more complex;

- improve efficiency through networking, eleminação of redundancy and waste combat.

The PSD presents in its program, a false diagnosis of the situation of access stating that "the offer is not fair and are increasing inequalities in access capability." Data access to appointments and surgery clearly refute this diagnosis, showing a sustained reduction of the lists and waiting times.

insist, again, in the privatization. Hospitals "concession to the private sector and social services or partial units belonging to the NHS." It does not explain why or how or why. Are not reported the results of any previous experience.

One idea is particularly bizarre. We propose to contract with hospitals' independence from the installed capacity of the state. " What does this mean? should be according to the installed capacity in private? is to even see what they want is to transfer bags of money to private hospitals.

PS accepts a contract with the private, but, having exhausted the capacity of the public sector, of course. This is what happens with the SIGIC or the recent agreement with Mercy.

5. Medicines Policy

PS intends to pursue the generalization prescription by International Nonproprietary Name (INN) in order to increase the proportion of generics (from 4% in 2004 to 20% in 2010 ). It is assumed the development of initiatives to improve the quality of prescribing, will balance the different interests at stake, citizens and professionals, pharmacies, industry.

this area of \u200b\u200bthe PSD program, although more extensive, is not very different, because is full of generalities.

This is the area in more detail in the chapter on health according to the troika, where the margin is smaller. More than half the cost reduction of the NHS in 2012 and 2013 will be achieved in this area, which limits the "creativity" of measures that might be proposed.

Manuel Pizarro, in face book


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