Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Arrhythmia And Loud Music

March 30 - Final countdown

Everything good is up quickly, and in total, even at the fast end. But after the turn. When I was leaving Ali main objective, that is for sale Montka. The case looked very easy, because the client already was. Unfortunately we had to go to Kano, but still better than 1200km ride these have problems with the sale on the spot. Of course, in Nigeria, some things are really simple, for example, drinking Guldera, indeed other activities of this series, but businesses have not come so easily. After a few days and many conversations with prospective buyer found out that he did not have all the money, and a brother who lives in Lagos did not want to make the rest of the car before it is seen. For me, it's no problem, but somehow a brother to me he could not choose for inspection. So all those swearing by Allah, and other miracles are worth nothing. Such is Africa, a lot of talk about little to do. All fine, but I still stayed with Montkiem. Many people watched the car, I somehow terribly in no hurry to sell, so there was smoking are very pleased with the price reduction. With my previous "buyer" we had a 775,000 Naira. We know that selling your car on the spot without crossing any route I was willing to "pull off" the price. Passed the next day, everything pretty beautiful. Nightlife in Lagos has much to offer, so the time passed quickly. Commercial break from here until the splendor, the latest Mercedes and drinks at 10E. The weekend was a ball, on Sunday trips to fish on the beach, really needed a relaxing after all the days of traveling. Unfortunately, time began to chase, and the car continues to happen. In addition, unpleasant happened to the adventure. Since my friend got a new apartment, it had to be done to move and to transport the Montka. Unfortunately, at the end of the exit road from the old apartment before I began to veer to the right, struck the right door my car parked on the roadside, who had just decided to move on without looking in the mirror. Of course, initially the guy knew it was his fault, until they jumped 20 Nigerians who naskoczyli at me, and it convinced me that I am guilty and should pay for it! I tore out the ignition key and the situation was very nervous. Animal anger in their eyes gave me quite clearly that is not easily wykaraskam. Fortunately, our friend went with Nigerian Samuel, who helped escaped from this situation. Although I know the reality, in this case is not He spoke, perhaps because I know the reality! Calling the police in such circumstances is suicide, because both we and the other would have to pay a pile of cash, and still nothing would not help us. I ended up so that, despite the guilt of that, we had to pay him. Then I realized it looks like racism against white people in Nigerian execution. In any event, Montek have looked much worse. Bumper him hung from the door had a big scar and an indentation. The pipe had to break the threshold. What was wrong Saturday. For this my Blues lost a league match of the Oder. Oh, I had to work off. Gulder poured in specific amounts, and I only dreamed about going back to Silesia. Fortunately, after Saturday came a quiet Sunday. Somehow I came to myself. Reconciled with the cullet, but knew it would be even harder to sell the car. He was also the story of a friend who was coming from work in a traffic jam was assaulted by a Nigerian, who put the window, something like a gun. Most likely it was a Rocket Launcher, but somehow I was not willing to try whether it was loaded. Each gave what he had. A friend gave his wallet, but fortunately had a very old cell, so bandit only laughed, but a better model of the driver has fallen prey to it. A few dozen yards away from the police became kałachami, but the complaints of many people, that the above-thug with a gun robs, just laughed. Welcome to Nigeria my brother! In fact - nobody said it would slightly!

can not complain because there are also moments of fantastic and nowhere in the world can not survive such excesses as in Nigeria. In total, it should be a country sports tourism / attractions extreme. Adrenaline sometimes it hits you that it's hard for imagine. Moreover, this is a country where anything goes and there is no rational principles. The only rule is a local currency, Naira! But back to the topic. The aforementioned friend who was attacked offered assistance in selling the car. On Tuesday he sent an e-mail that is Montek to buy. On Wednesday, I show it and the guy turned out to be very interested. To my great surprise, on Friday called and said that he has money and wants to buy it. We have finalized the matter very well, until a tear in the eye as the new owner turned off the Montkiem drove away. I hope that will respect him. In any event, we made time for a beer and pounded yam and egusi soup (a local delicacy). I hope that tomorrow will be a meeting to finalize. Price, of course, was much lower than the original, but on Saturday I'll be back, so I did not have time to wait. Today I bought a ticket and there is no turning back. On Sunday, April 5, after nearly four months away from home, I'll Silesia Superior, or Upper Silesia! I hope that there will be a great adventure at the airport, that is, immediately give the paw that bloody przeszukiwaczom not to clung to souvenirs and not buried in my pants przechodzonych!

blog for fans of good news. We intend to spend it in book form (by some for motivation), adding a lot of pictures and practical information, such money, accommodation, tourism. For every blogger who was raised very happy going to write a book. I hope that this year will be published!

Oh I wanted to greet a few people in Nigeria and much to thank them for that, again, this stay will be unforgettable:

Krzysiu (Lagos) thanks for all the excesses, the night escapades, accommodation and assistance Marek

(Ibadan): thanks for the old days, a delicious steak at the Lebanese and thanks that you are

Hania and Mietek (Kano): thanks for the great time in Kano, again sorry it's so short

Maciek (Lagos): you eternal student, thanks for all the night raids

Bożenka and Andrew (Lagos): thanks for the nice time at the pool, for the great dinners, visit to the beaches and of course for sale Montka

Samuel (Lagos): thanks for the parties, suya and help the accident while HAVING

Mohammed (Abuja / Kaduna): thanks Accommodation in Abuja for your support and

Andrew (Lagos): thanks for Becks tudziez heineken (and yes I like most Gulder)

Roman (Lagos): thanks for the beaches and beer joint

Dare (Lagos): old her teacher, so for joint discussions and remember uber alles physics


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