Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Baby Card What To Write

Alice, and so will always remain a mystery

Angela Carter's story is completely in place. Of course, easy to see the Doctor Dee Kaltmanna, and Ned Kelly Nowak. I also think that the object lacanowski a it is quite on the spot.

same thing has happened with the house. You can and you need to think of it as a result of hallucinations after dimenhydrynatu recreational applications. Złudznie breathable walls is apparently quite common. The second home is, of course, home of the "Foam days." House as a leviathan also explains easily.

But with Alice is a problem, because it does something more than just disappears like a woman with "Adventures" Antonioni. It does more than just arouses desire so strong that it must have ended with madness. Not only is giving away the identity, or rather give a new one. I can not explain it to the end. If I could give her original world wonder, the wonder that the world is. Astonishment that the world can be seen. It's bizarre and unnatural feeling that one is embedded in itself, in the flesh, that he saw her eyes just as others do it. The certainty that I never see myself as others see me. Long periods of collapsing in on itself even during our stay in sanatoria for children, where I could sit all day in the confidence that protects the glass bulb to me, for which there are other people in August. If we add to this sense of anxiety, panic, fear of parental abandonment, that little childish fear which blows even riding the bus to summer camp, the taste of the unknown and losing confidence, if only I could fit it all in Alice - my intention would be satisfied.

I know that it is not.


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